
The bathroom maybe a small room, but it can be very wasteful. Luckily there are plenty of easy changes that can be made to lead a zero waste lifestyle in the bathroom.   Oral Care Bamboo toothbrush Substitute your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one, and once it reaches the end of its life you

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Following on from my previous post, I have compiled a list of suggestions for zero waste substitutions for the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the easiest places to make substitutes, and there are lots of alternatives on the market.   Food storage Tupperware Tupperware is great for storing food. They are often freezer proof

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Zero-Waste Lifestyle

I don’t think there is anything special about the lifestyle I am trying to lead. But when I spoke to my colleagues at 99P Recycling Ltd they seem surprised by my actions. I strive for a zero-waste lifestyle. At the moment, I’m far from perfect (I’m writing this as I eat my crisps from a

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